Thursday, June 13, 2013

Liberty is Rising Truth in Media Project

I've got an inspiring quote for you re-tweeters and chain-email fanatics out there. When speaking on the largest single day presidential campaign donation drive, Ron Paul said in an interview with Ben Swann that "it was spontaneous, it was people who agreed with the message and spontaneously shared information through the internet."

Some of you might not be aware of Ben's record of investigative Journalism, but he has even interviewed President Obama, and you can check that out here, or just straight up watch his new Kickstarter campaign video right now:

Ron Paul hit the nail on the head with that quote, and it obviously resonated with Mr. Swann too. Now he's hoping the internet will mobilize once again for yet another cause that traditional channels seem to glance over or ignore. His Liberty is Rising Truth in Media Project sure looks like the real deal: It stands on his reputation for fearless journalism, it comes a flashy video, lofty goals, and a $1.25 Million asking price.

In no way are any of these bad things: They've displayed the production standards they hold themselves too quite nicely. Lofty goals are indicitave of minds who haven't given up on the possibility to disrupt the status quo. $1.25 Million is small change when it comes to securing a reputable channel of free press. It might sound cliché but you know what they say: Freedom ain't...

So take a look, and see what you think.

While you're there, you can also kindly let him know that we aren't actually positive that the quote he poses with and attributes to George Orwell is 'Orwellian' at all!

No matter. Everyone makes mistakes, but journalism is a process, and hopefully he's willing to edit and revise his work! Of course, I still support him in his efforts, but further diligence and vigilance will only make him a sharper ally. And after all, fair is fair. Credit goes to redditor u/mcantelon for spotting it in the first place.

Here's to journalism that WE can participate in.


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